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1. I am Nagasaki (2002)
2. Nagasaki II (2004)
3. Ki (2007)
4. O (2007)
5. Passion (2008)
長崎シリーズの紹介  アド・ステインマン


INTRODUCTION to the Nagasaki series by Ad Stijnman

Many artists, authors, poets, musicians and theatre performers have been inspired by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My works about the bombing of Nagasaki are therefore not an exception. However, they go beyond the first  direct inspiration I had about the event. They are more than just images of the bombardment turned into prints. The five series refer to the spiritual history of Nagasaki, because it is the place where both Zen Buddhism and Christianity first entered Japan. The series also draw parallels with recent events and the behaviour of modern people. Through the combination of actual and spiritual history the prints eventually explain about the personal responsibilities everyone has. Printmaking is the medium I chose for my works, because its materials and techniques express my themes best. Printmaking also allows making more copies of the same images, so that more people can enjoy them.

A5 size W card  



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