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Safer procedures in printmaking
English * Japanese


Vegetable cleaning agents
Printmaking Today- Vol. 5 (1996), nr. 1 (spring)

Group exhibition 'GAA exposeren'
24 April - 31 May 2016
Grafisch Atelier Alkmaar in the Netherlands
More info.-->
Group exhibition 'Installation by printmaking'
25 April 2016 - 30 April 2016
Galerie Simon in Tokyo, Japan
More info.-->
(0) アド・ステインマン CV
(1)「Nagasaki Ki」インスタレーション2016 * 25万円(消費税別)
(2)「Tulip」 2016 4点 * 各8千円(CDケース入り、消費税別)
International print exhibition 'TIME OF THE MEZZOTINT' travels
11 October 2014 - 23 December 2014
Musee Hamaguchi Yozo: Yamasa Collection in Tokyo, Japan
More info.-->
"Ph.D. Engraving & Etching with Tulip series"
Ad Stijnman Print Exhibition
18 May 2013 - 13 April 2014
The Small Gallery House - Kyo On Sho Sha in Katsunuma Yamanashi, Japan
More info.-->
Echo of Prints in October 2012
artspace Eumeria, Nihonbashi-Honcho in Tokyo, Japan
More info.-->
Prints Tokyo 2012 in October 2012
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Ueno in Tokyo, Japan
More info.-->
Yuriko Miyoshi + Ad Stijnman
"Collaboration from a print studio in the Netherlands"
September 2012
Genkan-gallery of Matsudo High School, Matsudo in Chiba, Japan
More info.-->
Time of the Mezzotint in September/October 2012
Latvian National Museum of Art, Exhibition Hall "Arsenals" in Riga, Latvia

Yuriko Miyoshi + Ad Stijnman
"Collaboration from a print studio in the Netherlands"
14 November - 26 November 2011
M.H.S. Tanaka Gallery in Nagoya, Japan
More info.--> Collaboration in Nagoya

Ad Stijnman "Het Nagasaki project"
1 September - 20 September 2009
Galerie Cocteau in Nagasaki, Japan
More info.-->

27 April - 3 May, 2008
Tokyo Ginza Kobo <2> + under stairs
Okuno Bldg. B1F, 1-9-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

31 mei t/m 10 juli, 2007
Grafisch Atelier Alkmaar
Doelenstraat 23 - 1811 KX Alkmaar, the Netherlands
See images from the exhibition.-->

5 - 21 April, 2007
Up Front Art with John Scott
515-519 W 26th Street, 5th Floor, New York City 10001
* Ad Stijnman, Amsterdam, draftsman, printmaker, Prints: "Nagasaki Series: 'Nagasaki O,'_ 'Nagasaki Ki,' NYC's loss of innocence"_ 
---- During my first visit to Nagasaki in 2002 I was deeply impressed about the city's history and how its inhabitants deal with it. The only way I, as a printmaker, could deal with it was by making prints. After the first series, more ideas presented themselves to me, which I processed over the years. During my first visit to New York in 2006 I experienced similar impressions and observed similar imagery as in Nagasaki. Elements from both cities amalgamated into the fourth, and final, series of the project. Appropriately this series is first exhibited in New York.(Ad Stijnman) ----
See images from the exhibition.-->

Copyright of all the texts and images in these Pages belongs to Tulip Graphics.