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Safer procedures in printmaking
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Vegetable cleaning agents
Printmaking Today- Vol. 5 (1996), nr. 1 (spring)

TULIP GRAPHICS pages moved to this site on December 2018


New reference: Andrew Raftery wrote the review for the book 'Engraving and Etching 1400-2000' in 'Art in Print Journal' Volume 3, Number 4, November - December 2013, Chicago.
In this issue you can read also an article by Anja Grebe and Ad Stijnman 'A Manual for Printing Copper Plates Predating Abraham Bosse's Treatise of 1645'.


Congratulations to Ad Stijnman author Engraving & Etching 1400 - 2000 who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 9 November 2012 in Amsterdam - the day his book was published!


Copyright of all the texts and images in these Pages belongs to Tulip Graphics.